Proposal for the revitalization of Via Merceria in Vodnjan
Taking as a starting point the historical study of the colors existing at the time the houses were built – as well as the shape and materials of the windows – a rendering of the entire street is created.
The project will be completed in four years , from May to May, with the first phase to be implemented by June 2022.
This first preparatory phase must start by the end of 2021 at the latest (ideally starting in mid-November).
Via Merceria. The rebirth of an ancient trading street.
This will begin with the creation of billboards and media advertising of the entire project, explained step by step to the population in three languages, illustrating the works to be carried out over the course of three and a half years, in collaboration between private financiers (supporters of change), the Ars et Labor Foundation and the Municipality of Vodnjan.
Preparation of the summer and autumn 2022 program of cultural events in Vodnjan
1. The work begins with the assembly of the first two mobile scaffoldings for the study of the original colours of the facades , and the analysis of the plaster under the eaves by means of mass spectrometry performed on site.
a) Processing of the mapping complete with colouring visualized with computer rendering, and initial colouring of the first 10 facades.
2. Feasibility study and execution of the displacement of 40 car-parking spaces to create the first part of the pedestrian zone (200 metres).
3. Preparation of the unitary design of the interiors and exteriors – including shop signs – of the first 3 shops:
a) The Bottega del caffè (coffee shop), with outside seating
b) “CB e CB” – beautiful things and good things of Vodnjan, on-site tasting point with aperitif-bar
c) “Merceria in via Merceria ” shop – a little bit of everything.
4. Feasibility study and commencement of work on the refurbishment of the first building used as part of the Albergo Diffuso (hotel with rooms distributed in various locations), with restoration of furniture and furnishings in the Vodnjan style.
5. Feasibility study and start of roofing works for the installation of external air conditioners units.
6. Operational planning for the preparation of the ALWAYS OPEN circuit.
6.1. Study and construction of the first three rooms of the Multi-sited Ethnographic Museum , first step in the creation of the Great Multi-sited Istrian Ethnographic Museum based on the structure of the Museum of Rural Civilization in Santa Maria delle Carceri, Padua.
a) Room 1 – The Kitchen . Complete preparation of the kitchen space, including the restoration of original furnishings owned by the Municipality.
b) Preparation of the room dedicated to Voivoda : The trades of Vodnjan – Voivoda from cobbler to shoe designer.
c) Preparation of the room dedicated to Tommaso Sottocorona : Vodnjan crafts and trades.
7. Research, preparation, and implementation of OPEN: Restaurants and eateries open all year.
The Istrian “Cesarine” in the hospitality area of the Locanda San Martin.
8. Preparation and implementation of the first phase of cultural itineraries. Study and implementation:
Coats of arms restored; circuit Red writing (including photo book) and circuit
The first four Open Churches
First phase of colouring using eco-friendly plaster – first 10 facades
- “500 steps in Via Merceria”: an exhibition and an aperitif from 7pm to 9pm , with courtesy minibus and driver
- Three days of fashion in Istria (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) throughout the summer (identification of young Italian and foreign designers; various themes…). Theme: skirts and knitwear.
- “Short” – review of short videos from around the world. Theme: What I thought while sitting under an olive tree, by Apoteka
Vodnjan Culture in the Autumn
Travelling back in time: Via Merceria in 1932 and in the nineteenth century. Memories of the landscape. How the urban landscape and its human use has changed in 100 years.
The Ancient Statute of Vodnjan: THE RETURN
Weather permitting, a dance hour in Via Merceria every Saturday and Sunday.
From June 2022 to June 2023
- Second phase of Via Merceria. Rebirth, revitalization, and enhancement of via Merceria di Dignano with a further 10 facades replastered, and doors and windows restored.
- moving another 30 parking spaces to create the second part of the pedestrian zone (150 metres).
- Preparation of the unitary design of the interiors and exteriors – including shop signs – of 3 more shops:
a) Cicchetteria
b) Istrian Beers and Wines with tastings
c) Ice Cream and Pastry Shop - Work on the interior furnishings of the Albergo diffuso in Vodnjan .
- Continuation of the work on concealing the external air conditioning units; second phase implementation of 20 units.
- OPEN circuit – always open: Multi-site Museum :
Room 4: Bedroom. Complete preparation of the space, with restoration of original furnishings owned by the Municipality.
Room 5: dedicated to Pietro Marchesi.
Room 6: The Vodnjan Dowry
- Preparation and implementation of the second phase of the tourist cultural circuits. Study and implementation
Open Churches – further 4 .
Preparation of the 2023 summer and autumn program, Vodnjan Cultural Summer Foundation
- “500 Steps in Via Merceria”: an exhibition and aperitif from 7pm to 9pm, with courtesy minibus and driver
- Three days of fashion in Istria (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) throughout the summer (identification of young designers, both local and foreign; various themes ….)
- “Short” – review of short videos from around the world. Theme: The light and colour of summer in Vodnjan, by Apoteka (and others to be defined…)
Vodnjan Culture in the Autumn The churches of Vodnjan.
Feasibility study for religious tourism, including churches, food, and hospitality.
Treasure hunt, for young and old, dedicated to visitors to Vodnjan, to be held in the streets of Vodnjan
Jazz Hour – an hour of music in Via Merceria every Saturday and Sunday
From June 2023 to June 2024
Third phase
- Via Merceria. Rebirth, revitalization and enhancement of Via Merceria with the restoration of a further 10 facades, doors and windows.
- Preparation of the unitary design of the interiors and exteriors – including shop signs – of three more shops:
a) Scarpe dal mondo (shoeshop)
b) The Toy Shop
c) The Tea Shop - Work on the interior furnishings of the Albergo diffuso in Vodnjan
- Work on the roofing and external air conditioning units; third phase – implementation of 20 units
- Always Open: continuation of the study and construction of two more rooms of the Multi-site Ethnographic Museum:
Room 7: The Lyser and daily work. Complete preparation of the space, with restoration of original furnishings owned by the Municipality.
Room 8: The blacksmith’s shop – Vodnjan crafts and trades
- Preparation and implementation of the third phase of the tourist cultural itineraries. Study and implementation. Open Churches . Further four churches – third circuit.
Preparation of the summer and autumn 2024 program, Vodnjan Cultural Summer Foundation
- “500 steps in Via Merceria”: an exhibition and an aperitif from 7pm to 9pm, with courtesy minibus and driver
- Three days of fashion in Istria (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) throughout the summer (identification of young designers, both local and foreign; various themes …
- “Short” – review of short videos from around the world. Theme: The life of the village, by Apoteka. (And others to be confirmed.)
Vodnjan Culture in the Autumn We have 2000 years of history. The Roman archaeological finds from the Vodnjan area. Exhibition and cultural circuit.
The frescoes of the churches. Guided tour.
Our music… between past and present, every Saturday and Sunday
From June 2024 to June 2025
Fourth and final phase of the first stage of urban regeneration
1. Fourth phase of Via Merceria. Restoration of a further 10 facades, doors, and fixtures.
2. Preparation of the unitary design of the interiors and exteriors – including shop signs – of a further three shops:
a) Underwear Shop
b) The Secondhand/Vintage Shop
c) The Exchange Workshop
3. Work on the interior furnishings of the Albergo diffuso in Vodnjan.
4. Work on the roofing and external air conditioning units, fourth phase of installation – 20 units.
Preparation and implementation of the fourth part of the phase of cultural tourism itineraries. Study and implementation.
Open Churches – Four more churches and itinerary
Preparation of the summer and autumn program, from June 2024 to June 2025,
Foundation in the Vodnjan cultural summer
- 500 steps in Via Merceria: an exhibition and aperitif from 7pm to 9pm, with courtesy minibus and driver
- Three days of fashion in Istria (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) throughout the summer (identification of young designers, both local and foreign; various themes ….)
- “Short” – review of short videos from around the world. Theme: Why should I leave here? by Apoteka (Other themes to be defined…)
Vodnjan Culture in the Autumn
Why come and live in Vodnjan? – dinner and presentation to discover what life is like here.
Vodnjan Over the Centuries exhibition, from the Castellieri to today
Live music on request, every Saturday and Sunday.
Proposals for the Future of Vodnjan:
Investimento nelle fonti rinnovabili di energia: nel futuro dei nostri figli. Unire le forze dei soggetti economici, della Città e di Fondazione per creare (andando anche verso l’Europa con esempio Horizon?):
1) il Museo dell’energia nel vecchio Mulino – fabbrica dei coppi fotovoltaici sostenibili nei centri storici tutelati. Ricordare che a Dignano l’energia elettrica molto prima di tante altre città molto più grandi
Proposta di realizzazione in collaborazione operativa con l’Università degli studi di Milano.
Il Vecchio mulino diventa La fabbrica dei coppi fotovoltaici sostenibili nei centri storici tutelati e centro di eccellenza per le energie alternative.
Fondazione ha già invitato il produttore che detiene il marchio dei coppi, il quale si è innamorato di Dignano. Se si trovano i finanziamenti, si potrebbe creare una storia sulla sensibilità verso il nostro pianeta (argomento molto attuale), per essere all’avanguardia anche nel green e arricchire Dignano di un nuovo polo delle eccellenze, affiancandolo a quello dell’IT.
La Fondazione, invitata ad appoggiare già da prima delle elezioni – con una politica culturale attiva sia per quanto riguarda la conservazione che la cultura – questo nuovo soggetto politico indipendente, ha consegnato per ben due volte il presente progetto di rigenerazione del nucleo storico, al principale soggetto economico privato, che ha fortemente spinto e voluto il cambiamento politico e che ha indicato il nuovo sindaco.
Una prima volta in campagna elettorale. Una seconda a metà ottobre, con il preventivo dei relativi costi da sostenere. Nessun riscontro a oggi.
Dopo i ripetuti inviti pubblici all’incontro tra soggetti interessati a vario titolo alla cultura, caduti nel vuoto dell’indifferenza generale e andati deserti – adesso Fondazione lo rende pubblico.