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Stemmi della città di Dignano

Coats of arms of the city of Vodnjan

Phase 3 – continuation of the conservation interventions of the coats of arms of noble families of Dignano, as happened in 2021 and 2022. Last three coats of arms to conclude what will then become, in addition to the redevelopment of small architectural elements of the historic nucleus of Dignano, also an OPEN tourist-cultural itinerary. Observing the enormous historical heritage of Dignano, we noticed the coats of arms of the noble families of the past and, since these were “minor” interventions, it was decided to subject them to conservative maintenance to pass them on to future generations. The coats of arms bear the patina of time and therefore must be preserved. With this project we want to give them back their ancient splendor and also create a city itinerary, to make them admire them and to visit the city in a slightly different way than usual. It is a first step in the important protection of the local historical heritage.

Safeguarding the cultural heritage, artefacts and decorative material elements which constitute a wealth entrusted to us by our ancestors. Take care to preserve them to leave them as a legacy for future generations. Sharing of good practices, because the restoration sites of the various coats of arms, in the different city districts, allow citizens and those interested to follow the conservation work live. Creation of elements of new city routes to promote the historical beauties of the city.

The main objective is the conservation of the rich architectural heritage that makes Dignano the beautiful town that it is, removing the patina of time to restore the splendor of times gone by and create new cultural contents of also tourist interest. Show how important it is to preserve what we have received from the past.

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